Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Great Schedule Change of 2014

Our first 9 weeks is coming to a close. Please be sure to be regularly checking your student's Edsby accounts for their current grade. I will also be attempting to contact some parents who I have concerns about their students over this weekend. 

The biggest deal is the great schedule change happening next Friday, October 10th. If you haven't heard about it or are unsure what is going to happen. On the 10th students will first go to homeroom and get their potentially different schedule. Middleton had over 200 more students enrolled for this year than projected so we are getting more classes and in some places new teachers. 

For my courses only Introduction to Engineering Design I hope will be affected. I am going to get a 4th period of the course which will be located on Day 2 Period 1. Some of your students may change between periods of my course. Don't worry as I will be ensuring that the change is as smooth as possible in the course. No student should be removed from my course and I shouldn't have any new students added. 

There is a possibility that your student may switch teachers in some of their other courses though. Many teachers are freezing their grades on the 10th because the end of the grading period is on the 17th. I will still be grading assignments in that final week but will ensure that all grades transfer between the classes with your student.

If you have any concerns please be sure to contact me. Unfortunately I can not help with actually modifying or keeping your students schedule from modifying. 

Mrs. Gerena

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