IED is the 1st level of our Engineering Track, it focuses on the design process for problem solving. Skills in this course can be applied to more than just a career in Engineering. If this is your first time visiting this page it has lots of information so please keep looking.
Course Calendar
Course Overview
Course Overview
This course introduces students to the design process, professional collaboration methods, design ethics, and technical documentation. It gives students the opportunity to develop skills in research, analysis, teamwork, technical writing, engineering graphics, and problem solving through project and problem solving based learning. Students will learn to use industry standard 3D solid modeling software to facilitate their design and documentation.
- To be able to use the Engineering Design Process to Problem Solve a Solution.
- To be able to read Technical Articles.
- To be able to create Technical Drawings.
- To be able to collect and evaluate Statistical Data.
- To use different types of Modeling for conveying ideas.
- Create a technical report for a unique design idea.
These are some of the projects we plan to complete through the year, changes may occur through out the year and other projects will be added.
- Puzzle Cube
- Miniature Train
- Final Design Project
Course Information
- Edsby
- IED Student Resource Folder
- Though I use Edsby to upload files and assignments sometimes it is difficult to go back through and easily find things. This folder is just a 2nd source for any materials I make available to students. It is hosted on Google Drive.
- Student Personal Electronics Policy (Necessary for use of Laptops or Tablets in class)
- IED Email Listserve : for Parents and Students
- Text Messaging Updates by Class : for Parents and Students
- Text (727) 939-6118 with one of the following codes.
- @ied11 for 1ED Period 1-1
- @ied12b for 1ED Period 1-2
- @ied13 for 1ED Period 1-3
- Information for each class may vary slightly so please only join your particular classes.
Software Downloads
All AutoDesk Products are available for a free 3-Year Educational License. Students will need to register an account to download. All software can be found at It is not required for students to have this program on their own computer or at home but is useful for students who wish to put in more time to their projects then is available in class. Students are also available to work on projects during lunch and specific days after school. (Schedule will be updated on the Home Page of this site).
Sources for Help with Downloading if having Errors
For issues downloading AutoDesk Inventor please contact AutoDesk. I am not a technician for AutoDesk and each computer is different. Though I have successfully downloaded the program I am not an expert.